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2024 Stuff a Sock, Warm a Heart

In all this I have given you an example that by such work we must support the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, for He himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (Acts 20:35 NSRV)

In the middle of November this year, the FCJ Christian Life Centre put out a call for donations for our Street Feet drive known as “Stuff a Sock, Warm a Heart.” This project started many years ago and has become an annual initiative to help support our neighbour, The Alpha House Society, which runs as a “non-profit, charitable agency providing safe and caring environments to those affected by alcohol and other substance dependencies.”

The campaign ran during the Advent season during which we are called to reflect on our day-to-day lives and how each choice creates an opportunity to become light bearers of hope, peace, joy, and love. In relation to the project, we had the privilege of visiting and collaborating with schools, which included students and teachers coming to the Centre to help sort items, create festive labels, and fill the socks! The staff at the Centre also came together and dedicated a day to prepare the donations before being handed over to the Alpha House.

As the Annual Street Feet drive ends and Christmas time draws near, we have been overwhelmed by the response that we received. Donations poured in and we were able to gather over 600 socks stuffed with a variety of useful items, all of which will be donated to The Alpha House Society.

All of this would not be possible without the help of the following groups and individuals.

  • Families and staff of St. Francis High School

  • The St. Francis Xavier Chaplaincy

  • Canyon Meadows Community Association

  • Enbridge Administrative Professional Team

  • School Council, Staff and students of Our Lady of the Evergreens School spearheaded by Holly Dutchak with help from Samantha Dupont and Patsy Fieger Dickson

  • Companions in Mission, Calgary

  • Our Lady of Lourdes School

  • St. Mary's University

  • St. Rupert's School

  • St. Monica's School

  • Sedona Dental

  • SL Dental

  • Babytooth

  • Deerfoot Meadows Orthodontics

  • Rocky Mountain Soap Co.

  • Precious Blood Sisters

  • Sisters of Charity of St. Louis

And to all the individuals who donated socks, various items, and financial contributions. (Note: Please let us know if you would like your name to be published).

We are so grateful for the support and generosity of many individuals and families, communities, schools and parishes, who have taken the time to help this cause. We carry so much hope and joy in our hearts, having been participants and witnesses to the kindness of others, in the service of those in need. May we continue to extend the love and goodness of God to each other as we welcome the new year!#


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