Sister Patricia (Pat) Josephine Halpin, FCJ
May 13, 1936 to April 15, 2023
Sr. Pat Halpin was born in Lethbridge and raised on a farm near Bow Island, AB. Her early education was in the local public school. Grades 6, 10, 11 and 12 took place in Sacred Heart Convent, Calgary, where she was a boarder and a student of St. Mary’s Girls’ High. She entered with the Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus, Feb. 2, 1955 and made her vows on Aug. 15, 1957. She attended St. Michael’s College at the University of Toronto, did teacher training in England and worked in Adult Education forthe Archdiocese of Edmonton before serving in the Edmonton Catholic Schools from 1972 until 1992.
She was the leader of her religious community in Edmonton in the early 1990’s and from 1994 until 2002 she filled the role of bursar in Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto. She ministered in palliative care at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton from 2007 to 2018. For health reasons she came to Calgary inSept. 2018 where she lived in Swan Evergreen Eversyde, United Active Living and for the last two years, in Providence Care. The Sisters FCJ in Calgary wish to express deep gratitude to the doctors and nursing staff who offered great kindness and expertise to Sr. Pat.
Prayers will be at Sacred Heart Convent, 219 – 19 Ave. S.W., on Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Funeral Mass will be held in the convent chapel on Monday, April 24, at 11:00 a.m. Reception to follow.