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"Spiritual Directors should reflect that they themselves are not the chief agent, guide and mover of souls; but that the principal guide is the Holy Spirit who is never neglectful of souls; and that they are the instruments for directing them to perfection through faith and the law of God, according to the spirit God gives each one." 

St. Ignatius of Loyola

Spiritual Direction Training Program


SEPTEMBER 2024 - JUNE 2026


YEAR 1 -> September 2024 - June 2025 (Wednesday evenings, 7pm-9:30pm and 3-4 weekends)

YEAR 2 -> September 2025 - June 2026 (Wednesday evenings, 7pm-9:30pm and 3-4 weekends)

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Spiritual Direction is the process of accompanying people on a spiritual journey, encouraging them to share and reflect on their life-story. The purpose of spiritual direction is to help individuals to explore their personal and spiritual experience as they grow closer God. Although some people may begin direction because of personal difficulties, losses, hurts or spiritual uncertainty, spiritual direction is not psychotherapy or counselling. 

Individuals come from all walks of life, of all ages, across the wide expanse of Christian denominations and sometimes from no specific spiritual tradition to ask for spiritual direction. The common thread among seekers is the desire to know God and what God is asking of them. The Spiritual Director helps the Directee recognize the presence of God in the ordinary happenings of daily life. By inviting the Directee into a deeper relationship with a loving, faithful God. 

IMPORTANT: To be participant in the Spiritual Direction Training Program (SDTP), you must be receiving Spiritual Direction for yourself. 


TUITION: $2,750.00 per year; includes 100 hours of in-class training, all materials, and access to mentor/supervisor. Method of payment is negotiable. 

Applicants will submit a completed application form, a $50.00 non-refundable application fee and two references. For successful candidates, this fee will be applied toward the course fee. Call (403) 228-4215 to request an application package, available April 2024.


An interview with SDTP Staff will determine your suitability for this training. 

The application deadline is July 31, 2024. There are limited spaces available. 

For more information, please contact Sr. Ann Marie Walsh, fcJ, Program Coordinator, at (403) 228-4215, or EMAIL


Spiritual Direction Training Program (SDTP):

  • is an ecumenical, two-year, part-time program

  • meets weekly with four (4) additional weekend each year

  • will help you discern your call in companioning others

  • provides the development of skills needed in Spiritual Direction

  • promotes personal spiritual development, through the integration of your faith in life


  • clergy and church workers who believe God is calling them to companion individuals who ask faith questions and seek meaning in their lives

  • lay people who desire to develop their gifts and talents in the ministry of accompaniment

  • Christians aware of the longing within themselves to accompany others in their journey of faith in life

Explore our Retreats


  • an introduction to the Art of Spiritual Direction

  • intentional listening skills

  • foundational issues in spirituality

  • spiritual disciplines as tools for personal growth

  • varied forms of prayer

  • discernment in Spiritual Direction

  • theological perspectives that guide the transformation process

  • standards of practice and ethical guidelines for Spiritual Directors

  • the following methods for learning:

    • large group lectures and discussions

    • small groups discussion and role playing

    • written reflection papers

    • case studies, reading assignments 

    • personal and group supervision

    • journal keeping

    • practice of spiritual accompaniment/direction

    • individual and group mentoring

    • evaluation


  • be rooted in Christian faith or have a relevant equivalent spiritual depth and tradition

  • be receiving Spiritual Direction

  • be thirty (30) years of age or older.  

  • have a personal prayer experience and discipline. 

  • have reached a maturity of faith that seeks expression in the area of companioning others

  • be disciplined in attendance and keeping up with the required work. 

  • be required to keep a journal of experiences and learnings. 

  • be assigned a mentor to help them reflect on their experience and skill as accompaniers/directors. 

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